Adversary (ial)
An enemy. Someone you play against, or you resist is your adversary. In political issues your adversary, also called opponent, is the political group your against to.
A way of thinking of that characterizes an individual person, a group or a culture. You can recognize people from their way of thinking which their ideology is.
When someone is judged, there is an advocate who will help the judged person. An advocate is someonethatadvocatesthe cause of another before a tribunalor judicial court.
Not acceptable/not used in that context. ~ When you behave really stupid and you break a window, your parents will say it is an inappropriate behavior. ~ When you make a test about something and you fill in a totally different answer than the question, your answer is inappropriate.
An ideological idea for a political meeting or something. An idea to discuss about.
Showing a desire for freedom. When you’re independent there is no one who decides what you have to do. Your free, your independent.
To establish by proof or competent evidence
To take or make use of without authority or right. This means that you do something but it is not allowed by the government, it is not appropriate.
The influence is that you do something because someone else did it. In a political way this could be that you e.g. move to a city because you’re influenced by a political group. This means that the group made you move.
People who are tolerant, are people that accept more things than people who are not tolerant.
According to the agenda of the African-Americans during the Harlem renaissance, the African-Americans were as important as the white people, therefore a lot of African-Americans moved into Harlem. This had a big influence on the city view, there were more black people in New York as before, people started to look differently al the view. The African-Americans became more independent as before, this happened because of the New Negro movement and they got their own place to life, together with every other African-American. Although the African-Americans were very happy with this movement, there were also people who find it inappropriate, they really didn’t like the movement and didn’t agreed with it at all. These people were seen as adversarial people of the African-American people who moved into Harlem during the New-Negro movement.